Monday, August 31, 2009


The development of my Corporate ID project was a fun experience. I chose to develop an ID for a fictional wine label- PINK ELEPHANT. It enabled me to think on how my finished logo could be successfully translated on to a wide variety of products.

My research into wine labels and wine bottles revealed a variety of design styles. The best designs revealed a very conventional use of typography and I mean that in a sense that there were not a large amount of out there display type used. Plenty of variety and interesting font choices coupled with some very good subtle illustrations.

I looked into doing a logo with an elephant illustration that was less than successful.The feeling I got with it is that it came across, or could be perceived as, a cheap, rough as guts wine that really would make you see pink elephants.

Sometimes the best solution to the problem of designing a logo is working with straight up type. In this case Trajan Pro, one of my favourite serif fonts. Champignon script for the wine style (sauvignon blanc) and Corbel for the body copy. The table ads and magazine ad had one extra font and that is Copperplate.

The flower design on the logo is supposed to be a trumpet flower but ended up looking more of a hibiscus. I wanted the flower to have the feel of an embossed silver theme to it so the design was edited in photoshop for a 3d effect.

The devil is in the details so I spent and a great deal of time working on the packaging. Thick gloss card stock and some speciality papers helped give it all a professional feel. I also wanted to see what it looked like in a commercial sense so I hand the logo font embroidered on some wine aprons.

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