Saturday, May 31, 2008

What makes good graphic design?

What makes good graphic design. Haven't the foggiest...but while contemplating eating a bacon (yuck! I don't eat meat) and egg sandwich perhaps for the first time in ages, I thought of how Luke commented that my design was fairly structured and to be honest I agree. Finding a middle ground between satisfying my own artistic style ( which is completely the opposite to what a lot of you see in my work) and meeting an objective is a delicate balance. It is what you feel passionate about, the thing that drives you and sometimes it can answer a question that you didn't think needed answering. I had fun doing this piece, even it didn't answer Luke's question, so for me it was the journey, yes the journey! Hallelujah!


Anonymous said...

thanks for that comment..
geelong are really good.

quite like ur design, good use of colour and visual elements and the eye is quite intersting!

Kiley Blatch said...

This is Cool Amanda, I like it